Wednesday, May 6, 2020

All Members Of Congress And Fellow Americans - 969 Words

To all my members of Congress and fellow Americans: Today I will be addressing some of the issues that are happening in today’s society and set a plan as to how we as Americans have to come together for the better and make a change. This country has grown tremendously in many areas since we’ve experienced our last financial crisis. During our time of crisis there were many doubters who said that we could not make America great again and stating that we Americans were misguided. I believe that we have proved them wrong with the growth of the economy and deficits being cut by two-thirds. This economy has touched so many lives through the rise of wages and growing job opportunities. The goal here now is to aim at working on common concerns such as the criminal justice reform, finding a cure and having more studies for those battling incurable illnesses, and protecting our rights as American citizens. As your president of the United States of America, I believe in giving everyone a fair chance as well as a second chance . With that being said, I believe there’s a need to reduce the mandatory minimum for non-violent offenders that are in the prison system. There should be no reason that a convicted sex offender should be released to society within a minimum of 5 years and the drug offenders must serve a minimum of 10 years or more depending on the level of the offense. These adjustments should not only be applied to the state mandatory minimums, but also to the federalShow MoreRelatedWhy Are Citizens Holding Congress?1275 Words   |  6 PagesConstitution, the Legislative branch or better known as Congress, is responsible for making laws. Though trusted with this power, Congress does not effectively execute this action due to their inability to work together and make decisions on bills. 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