Monday, May 25, 2020

Global Population And Climate Change - 1536 Words

Former American particle physicist and former Nobel Prize winner Henry Way Kendall once said, â€Å"If we do not voluntarily bring population growth under control in the next one or two decades, nature will do it for us in the most brutal way, whether we like it or not† (â€Å"Population Quotes†). This is especially evident in the previous two units of study on population and climate change where I have learned about a variety of global population trends and how climate change has had a notable effect on the planet. There are currently four main trends that have emerged from the current climate and population changes: migration, declining fertility rates, aging and declining population and urbanization (MacPhail). Migration is the movement of people from one place to another and it happens for a variety of reasons (â€Å"Migration Trends†). People migrate because of economic opportunities such as higher wages or new employment opportunities, political reasons such as civil wars or even environmental factors like natural disasters (â€Å"Migration Trends†). People also move internally within their country or region which is known as internal migration or immigrate to other countries or regions, known as international migration (â€Å"Migration Trends†). Thus, people migrate due to â€Å"push† and â€Å"pull† factors that steer them from one area to another. For example, people from northern African countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Libya, etc are migratin g into southern European countries like Greece,Show MoreRelatedGlobal Climate Change : A Growing Population801 Words   |  4 Pages1 Introduction Global climate change, a growing population, decreasing availability of fossil fuels increasing environmental and economic concerns regarding energy use are driving forces towards more sustainable ways of responding to energy demands (Li et al., 2011). Energy consumption is widely increasing all around the world resulting in rising of the energy price and global environmental problems. It is estimated that the world energy consumption will increase from 522 EJ in 2006 to 570 EJ inRead MoreClimate Change : A Global Threat For The Population1377 Words   |  6 PagesClimate change is viewed as new global threat for the population all around the world. 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